and on the topic of the Real Housewives of Orange County...
is there some ultimate linear scale of human happiness? i mean, Korey Kiepert is married, and most likely has kids. This is the guy who, in 6th grade, wore a t-shirt to school that read: Here Today, Gone to Maui. This is the guy who, as a Junior at Michigan Tech, won the title of Winter Carnival King after being nominated by a might-as-well-be-ficticious student group (because, as we all know, there are more geeks at MTU than anyone else) and their numbers obviously outranked any fraternity.... so, if we follow a linear model of human happiness, at least in America, then I am behind the 8 ball. I am neither married, nor have kids, nor have a lawn I can be proud of. So, in this linear model, what do I have to show for having lived these 31 years on planet Earth? well, nothing. well, not nothing, but not something, either.
i wonder. and I'm sure the Joker would wonder with me. and how I wish I hadn't fucked things up to the point where I couldn't have this type of conversation with another him. I could be at 24 Seconds right now (because the Front closes early, like a bunch of biatches) having this conversation.
i told you I'd get through this album...
God bless the day light
the sugary smell of spring time
remembering when you were mine
and still suburban time
when every Thursday
I'd brave those mountain passes
and you'd skip your early classes
and we'd learn how our bodies worked.
God damn the black night
with all it's foul temptations
I've become what I always hated
when I was with you then.
We looke like giants
in the back of my grey sub-compact
fumbling to make contact
as the others slept inside
and together there, in a shroud of frost, the mountain air
began to pass from every pane of weathered glass
and i held you closer than any one would ever get...