you'll find my heart at my center of gravity; wrapped up in laughter, school work, and tragedy

Thursday, December 29, 2005


there are two people inside me.

one some level i'm like everyone else in your life: i got sucked into you. you have some infectious gene in your personality that makes you irresistable, to men and women alike, but mostly men. and i've heard you say that one of the things you hate about yourself is that everyone falls in love. and i can definitely say that i'm one of those people.

on the other hand, i guarantee you i'm different than any man you know. i can assure you that i see things from a different perspective than anyone who may have fallen in love with you before. and i guess i can't say that my difference is necessarily what you need, but it's worth consideration.

i'll boil it down to a line from rumor has it... "i'm not coming back to you because i can't live without you. i've come back because i don't want to."

and maybe someday i'll look back at this and feel stupid for believing so solidly in you right now, but right now there's nowhere to go that isn't through this for me.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

the thirty first

let me be the rock off of which you launch every experiment. let me be the foundation that will hold you every night, and make everything alright, despite what else fails you during the day. i want to be that rock for you.... and frankly, you for me. let me launch my impossible rockets, free and unrestricted because i know i have a warm set of arms to hold me at night.

make me out to be weak. make me out to be sad. i don't care. but i will live each day of my life being honest to myself, and those around me. and i will throw my hat into every ring of which i want to be a part. some will fail, and some will succeed. but i will have tried for everything that my heart desires. and you are not some flash in the pan, darci. you are something that i want to explore. and discover. and make part of my life.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

my limitations

maybe a watershed moment, maybe something we look back on and giggle about...

and i've come to realize, and frankly be ok with, the fact that for the time being, this document, or rather string of documents exists soley to tell you, miss darci bryan, how i feel... what i'm thinking. it's acting like the surrogate you, while you are unavailable for me to babble to. and i know there are people who read it, and i know there are people who check in periodically, and there are people who i've directed here, whom i haven't spoken to in some time, to sort of give them a glimpse of what's been going on in my life the last six months or so. but, it's really not very good at that sort of thing, because i'm not writing it that way. i'm not making a categorical list of things that are happening, or questions i'm asking myself. i'm writing poetry, and leaving cryptic messages that no one understands in an effort to reach you, and no one else. so, that doesn't really bode well for my friend amy, who i haven't spoken to in years... although i will always think of these two things in succession: amy bebensee & stratford, Ontario. there was that summer when she took me there for the first time. just a day trip. we walked around, we saw "The Boyfriend" in what i'm figuring was the Festival Theatre... although my memory of it is different.
anyway, back to the point... this point on the infinite internet, and it's inefficiency in some respects. so, the impetus for this entire post had to do with about 4 minutes and 44 seconds of my evening tonight. (in an effort to be less cryptic (or in my mind, romantic) that's the track length of Damien Rice's song "the blowers daughter") she put one ear bud in my ear, and sat next to me on my couch. i spent every second of that four minutes and forty-four seconds staring at the seam on the instep of her boots, and holding her leg, feeling the brown corduroy pants i swear she was wearing the last time i had a moment like this (in the airport in albuquerque, NM) and thinking one solitary thought: please God, let time stop. please God, let the world stop on its axis right now, and let me live in this moment forever. i willed it to happen. and i guess in the movies, it probably would have... at least a movie from Nickelodeon studios (that's a reference to that Nick movie from a few years ago, where the kid had a watch that would make time go by really slowly for everyone but him, and whoever was touching him... you know, it was called Time Chasers or some damn thing. but it looked good... to the part of me that's still 12 years old). i like this less-cryptic thing... although i will say that it involves a lot more typing than my old self. anyway. i'd download the song, but, frankly, i lost my credit card last weekend, so technically, i can't even afford a $0.99 song from I-tunes right now. plus, she said she'd burn it for me... for my birthday. and frankly dear avid reader, that will sound that much sweeter to my over-sentimental pathetic ears. but that's just me. you don't like it? two options: fuck off or stop fucking reading. sorry, third possible option: get over yourself, realize maybe it's YOUR problem, and deal with it.
anyway, back to her knee. this is a new and honestly unique position for me. i feel like i have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. i can honestly say for probably the 2nd time in my entire life i have found a girl that i pine for. look it up: it's a great word, and knowing the "according to Hoyle" definition makes it that much sweeter... seriously, go look it up. i can wait...

ok. isn't that a great word? anyway. so, yeah, i pine for you, darci. and i feel free to do so without reservation because i don't think i know the life-ending answers. i don't know if i want to spend the rest of my life in a romantic relationship with you, or at least i don't claim to. all i know is what i told you tonight: that i think you will be there until the day i die... somehow. friend, wife, lover, whatever. i just feel that way. and i wanted to feel like that for others. kate, if you ever happen to read this, which i frankly doubt, but, please don't take this personally. if i could orchestrate or construct the perfect woman for me, you'd probably be it. all of the stats are there. but we didn't click on what i can only- at the moment- call a metaphysical level. it's like it just wasn't meant to be. so, really, no hard feelings. i love and respect you for who you really are, not who i was trying to make you out to be. i hope someday you can say the same to me.

wow. should have called this post Enter at Your Own Risk. or maybe at your Job's risk.

anyway, as this post can attest, it didn't work. time didn't stop, we weren't able to live and frolic in a truly beautiful moment for all of time without regard to jobs or deadlines, or salaries, or snow, or any other living human being. no offense to anyone who has ever lived, is living, or shall ever breathe the sweet breath of life, but that's what i want with her. just to live next to her, away from everything and everyone. forever.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


it's like you're in the air. i hear you on the radio emanating from wayne state university. i see you at the north american international auto show, though i'm not sure you've ever been. i smell you on my clothes. i taste you in my morning coffee sweetened much more than you care for. i feel you in my blanky, and when my dog twitches during a really good squirrel-hunting dream.

i want to give you the time and rest you need, and go about my business, but you won't leave me alone.

"but we're having fun, so shut the fuck up!"

"six minutes is really important to me."

"how much for a donut, ese?"

"the food's not very good, but we give you alot, thus: lotaburger."

"jim, see if you can figure out a way to hang this sign up."

"i have a 2 o'clock body polish... with ROLFE."

"do you have any eights?"
"go fish"
"do you have any tens?"
"go fish"
"do you have any eights?"

"do you guys sell beer?"
"yeah, go outside, and go two stores down."

"have you ever *heard* of anyone ordering a gin and coke?"

"do you wanna break back into the room and get that comment card back?"

"maybe someone got shot."
"officer, what's happened? and how do we get heading north on 285/84?"
"there's a light parade... so, you're gonna hafta turn around and head back the way you came. go until you get to the Walgreen's intersection, turn left. then keep going until you see a Chevron station, then turn right."

Monday, December 12, 2005

sweet jane

i can see
you home with me
but you were with another man
i know we ain't got
much to say
before i let you get away

are you gonna be my girl?

jane is a spitting image of her... or rather a sort of tribute- in a different time: when she was free, and happy, and so intoxicating a presence. the orange scarf (the kind of which to purchase i would not even know where to start looking) with the matching comfy sweatshirt; her hair in pigtails. the earrings playing so delicately off her/your cheekbones. the warmth, energy, the style. i can feel you here again. how i wish you were.
my heart breaks to hear your voice. the struggle in its timbre, the exhaustion in its pace. your determination and spirit keep you afloat despite your body failing you. how i want to rescue you... to shoulder this burden. to lay you down in your bed, and tuck you in, and stand at the door to keep you uninterrupted; metamorphasis beginning. i know you will emerge as the youthful beautiful muse i fell in love with that first time you said goodbye to me: before i even knew your name.

i told you i didn't know how to use a semicolon.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


to find someone you love
you gotta be someone you love
for someone to be enough
you gotta call your own bluff

you feel like yesterday
tattered and torn away
and though you say you don't care
that i should leave you back there
when you were open wide
you let everyone inside
and they left you one by one
when the damage was done
but i know what you're thinking
sometimes you feel so second hand
passed over and left over
and just don't understand
i guess you gave your best to every one of them
what a shame you think they came and left you
second hand

remember who you are
you were always the brightest star
and though you're not shining now
we'll get you back there somehow
cause everyone has been there
when you feel so second hand

cellular phone

leaving tomorrow afternoon for New Mexico.

30 degrees. sunny and cold. whatever.

but not a soul around. ahhhhh.

Friday, December 02, 2005

i'll make you famous (part II)