you'll find my heart at my center of gravity; wrapped up in laughter, school work, and tragedy

Thursday, December 29, 2005


there are two people inside me.

one some level i'm like everyone else in your life: i got sucked into you. you have some infectious gene in your personality that makes you irresistable, to men and women alike, but mostly men. and i've heard you say that one of the things you hate about yourself is that everyone falls in love. and i can definitely say that i'm one of those people.

on the other hand, i guarantee you i'm different than any man you know. i can assure you that i see things from a different perspective than anyone who may have fallen in love with you before. and i guess i can't say that my difference is necessarily what you need, but it's worth consideration.

i'll boil it down to a line from rumor has it... "i'm not coming back to you because i can't live without you. i've come back because i don't want to."

and maybe someday i'll look back at this and feel stupid for believing so solidly in you right now, but right now there's nowhere to go that isn't through this for me.


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