Hey, Le George! Bonjour, Le George! Let’s stuff Le George in Le Locker!
it's interesting to me, the little things you notice on a day to day basis. the things that occur to you when you're alone and there's no one around to say them to, so they tend to get forgotten.
tonight i was standing outside starbucks, and there's a point on the sidewalk near the back of the store where if you stop, and turn to your left, the letters on the belle tire sign just reads "le Tire." and i thought that was funny. like that's where you would take your le car to get a le flat fixed. and then i spent a few minutes thinking about whether a tire chain would be as successful as Belle Tire if it were truly named Le Tire. and this conversation in my head could have become a memory for me and someone else, if they had been there with me, and i said these things out loud. like when i said to michael at cedar point "i feel like a hot dog." and he said back to me "that's funny, you don't look like a hot dog." a memory, a funny story to get brought up over a beer sometime. i just wonder how many of these stupid little funny things occur to us everyday, and the only reason they don't become a funny little memory is because there's no one else there to share it with.
of course, there are also those thoughts that occur to us when we're in the wrong company- people who wouldn't get it, whatever it is. i've had a bunch of those, too. sometimes i've said something, other times i feel the little prick of embarassment remembering the times i did say something and the other person just blankly stares back, unsure of how to proceed.
so tonight, it's the collection of all the funny little observations and silly thoughts that we have that never make it out of the cold, damp cellar in our brains and become an actual memory that i honor.
May there always be a kind kindred soul with us all, to laugh at our nonsense.