you'll find my heart at my center of gravity; wrapped up in laughter, school work, and tragedy

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


you might call an evening of a small, round, cheese-only pizza, a couple episodes of LOST from mr. TiVo and a nice long conversation with a special girl in chicago nothing. you might call it a waste. you might call it a missed opportunity to clean the house, or fix the basement sink.

but it was so much more than that. it was beautiful. and satisfying. and so rare as of late. maybe it was the day i had at work today. maybe it was the way i started my day reeling from a phone call from my lead engineer (one of them) while i was literally being handed my bagel, that sent me reeling into an angry one-sided conversation on the rest of the drive... but really it was about my last conversation with said Lead today. the one where he said things like "good job" and "we're a team, no matter what" that really define this day.

or maybe it was the idea of a friend of mine at work describing how he feels like he needs to get "shit-faced" on the weekends to deal with the job he finds himself in. and not that that is funny, or a good thing, but given who was saying it, it really was...

maybe it was all of it. maybe it was the minutes i spent in the office when everyone else was gone, and an eery quiet i do not regularly experience came over the cube universe.

whatever it was, it feels good to go to bed tonight.
adding two friends to my myspace account. kissing my dog goodnight, and relishing the idea that maybe tomorrow will be just as worthy of a writing.


Blogger e_prime said...

you're an amazingly positive person!


Thursday, June 22, 2006 5:23:00 PM


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