you'll find my heart at my center of gravity; wrapped up in laughter, school work, and tragedy

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Yes, Isaac?"

"What about that problem?"
"Oh, that? Don't worry about that."
"Wait. Why?"
"I just put that up as a joke. That's probably the hardest geometry equation in the world."
"Well, how much extra credit is it worth?"
"Well, considering I've never seen anyone get it right, including my mentor- Dr. Leaky at MIT, I guess if anyone here can solve that problem, I'd see to it that none of you ever have to open another math book again... for the rest of your lives."

I have a soft spot in my heart for mathematics... up to a certain point. there are people who take it too far. these are the men who i had as teaching assistants in college. they're graduate and post-graduate students of mathematics. their brain and their work exists in a place that they've never seen, touched, or experienced. they make math jokes about non-orientability, and zero-volume bottles. while i admire the technical ability necessary to make them, and have thought several times about buying one to set on my desk as a "i'm-smarter-than-you" conversation starter:
"hey dude, what's that?"
"oh, that's a klein bottle."
"what's a klein bottle?"
"[patronizing pause, and maybe even a slight eye-roll] it's a non-orientable, zero volume, one-sided surface. didn't you have math in college?"

i'm still a little weirded out that people like this exist out there... and are able to procreate.
check them out: I think it's that i find their humor a little funny, and that means i'm closer to being able to relate to them than i am to not...

if you go back to the root page ( and poke around a bit, you'll see what i mean.

i think i just figured out what i want for my first tattoo: the polynomial form of the Klein bottle equation. how hot would that look running down my biceps?


Anonymous Anonymous said...



Friday, February 10, 2006 12:51:00 AM


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