you'll find my heart at my center of gravity; wrapped up in laughter, school work, and tragedy

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

l'eggo my prosthetic!

some scary shit goin' down around here at work. retirement pension caps and other stuff that makes me sick to my stomach to think about. as far as i can tell, the changes rolled out today do not affect my family at all... my dad's stuff is safe, because he is already retired, and i hired in after 1993, so i never had a full pension anyway. but basically, the name of the game is to stay healthy. then none of this stuff really matters. CEO took a 50% cut in wages. put a couple more eggs of mine in the grad school basket this morning....

according to silvio, the only two industries that have been recession-proof since time immemorial are "certain aspects of the entertainment industry, and our thing."

so, i'll see what i can do saturday... if things go south, i got a line on a truck full of cigarettes coming up from cinci... anyone want to get in on it with me?


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